SSH into your own machine


Alan Vardy
 linux  servers

Credit to Grzegorz Juszczak

I am setting this up so I can SSH into any of the computers in my house to update them, transfer files, and even do remote development in VS Code (type on my laptop while the powerful desktop downstairs does all the compiling).

Because an SSH server is a convenient door for someone to brute force their way into I consider it VERY important that SSH keys are used, and that passwords are disabled.

On Host Machine

Install OpenSSH (if needed)

sudo pacman -S openssh 

Verify that your SSH service is inactive (should be by default) then start and enable it.

sudo systemctl status sshd.service
sudo systemctl enable sshd.service
sudo systemctl start sshd.service

On Client Machine

Add your ssh key to the server

ssh-copy-id -i username@your.server.ip.address

Disallow password authentication in sshd_config

ssh username@your.server.ip.address
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

and change: #PasswordAuthentication yes to: PasswordAuthentication no

and save with Ctrl + x, y, enter

Then restart your SSH service

systemctl restart sshd.service
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